Opera 11 for mac
Opera 11 for mac

opera 11 for mac

Replacing it is -ps (preference suffix) which works as -pd used to do. The -pd (personal directory) option have also been deprecated as we never used personal directories. We’ve put an end to the use of the PrefsSuffix file to manage multiple installations. With Unite you can think of it as an instant-on server in your pocket. You only have to run this once and it will create a hidden folder /Volumes/volume-name/.operaprofile/ that will contain all your bookmarks and settings, mail, and the disk cache. Press backspace once then type /Contents/MacOS/Opera -createsingleprofile (should read ……) then press Enter.Open and drag Opera from the USB stick and drop it ontop of the Terminal window.Drag Opera from the disk image to an USB stick or external drive.If your unsure where your preferences are stored, open the opera:about page to see the full paths.

opera 11 for mac

The rest of the blog post will cover technical details about the changes relevant if you are running more than one copy of Opera on your Mac.

Opera 11 for mac install#

You can install Opera to /Applications as you have always done, or you can put it on an external USB stick or an encrypted disk image and have your preferences go with you. Linux/FreeBSD and Windows users can sit this one out, and skip straight to the changelog. I’m pleased to announce that Mac users now will be able to put Opera on a USB stick (or encrypted disk image) and carry their bookmarks and settings, mail, and everything else with them.

Opera 11 for mac